Reading time: 2 min.
Many people choose to eat gluten-free for a variety of reasons. You don't have to have celiac disease or gluten intolerance to eat gluten free and enjoy the benefits of eating gluten free.
Of course, the claim gluten free or gluten free on a food label is incredibly important for people with gluten intolerance, because they get really, really sick when they eat gluten. But even if you are sensitive to gluten or choose not to eat gluten for health reasons, this claim can be useful to easily choose healthy, gluten-free foods and snacks.
So, what are these glutens?
Gluten are proteins found in various grains, such as wheat, rye, spelt, etc. You can find gluten in the whole wheat flour, flour and flour of these grains. Gluten provides an airy texture and gives elasticity to food products. But some people do not tolerate gluten well or at all, and often we do not even realize it. Do the test yourself and ignore gluten for a while. That way you can immediately experience the effect of gluten-free food on your body and how your body actually reacts (or reacted) to gluten.
Studies and scientists differ on whether or not it is helpful and safe to eat gluten-free if you do not have celiac disease. We don't want to make any scientific claims at all and just want to give you the information so you can make the dietary choice you feel good about.
If you would like to skip gluten every now and then to eat a variety of foods or if you simply cannot tolerate gluten, then the designation "gluten-free" is useful for you to quickly choose a safe, healthy snack. One that gives you energy until your next meal and also makes your tummy happy!
In the wide JustBite range, you can find many gluten-free snacks. Very convenient if you choose not to eat gluten, for whatever reason.
Discover our snack boxes for home or work!