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Apps voor een ideaal pauzemoment

Break time works. But how do you get the most out of a break and what is a healthy break time? Everyone knows that sitting still at your computer for too long is not healthy and doesn't help concentration anyway. Meanwhile, it is common knowledge that sitting for a long time has become the new smoking.

That's why we would like to give you some concrete tips on break apps that will help you and your employees to take a break in time at work and to get the most out of a break, in order to be ready to hit the ground running afterwards.

Intensive computer work without taking regular breaks can cause a range of complaints, from difficulty concentrating to headaches, neck and back pain and other complaints that can eventually lead to chronic problems and an increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, it is important to take advantage of break times to create awareness and behavioral change in your corporate culture, so that your employees learn to take optimal breaks to stay mentally and physically healthy. The ideal break bets on:

  • (de)-connection: use your break to take a break from work and connect with your colleagues.

  • Movement: stretch your legs, briefly stop by the store down the street, run to your parking meter ... whatever you do, movement ensures that after the break you can get back to full concentration.
  • Healthy snacks: eating a healthy snack with your colleagues ensures that after your break you can fly back in full of energy.

    Break apps 

    A break app can help you take a healthy break from time to time by reminding you that it's time to take a break and do something else.

    Many break apps work using the Pomodoro technique, which involves taking a short 5-minute break after 25 minutes of concentrated and productive work (a "pomodoro"). After you have done this 4 times, your body and mind deserve a longer 25-minute break.

    The big advantage of a break app is that you don't have to manually go about your day, but the app tells you exactly when it's time for a break.

    We've listed 6 handy technology tools for you, so you and your employees can take healthy breaks without worry:

    • Smart watch or activity tracker: you can set these to give you a gentle, discreet nudge when it's time to take a moment to move and briefly stretch your legs. Plus, you get cheers when you've actually moved and can visually track your daily progress as motivation.
    • Rise&Recharge app: this app was developed to reduce your employees' sitting time and encourage regular exercise to boost employees' energy levels and productivity.
    • Break Timer in Chrome: Chrome, Google's browser, allows you to set up the "Break Timer" so that you can see a full-screen message when it's time to take a break.
    • Tomato-Timer: simple but efficient. This flexible, hands-on Pomodoro timer helps you apply the Pomodoro technique. You set the timer and work on your task until you get a signal. You take a 5-minute break and after 4 "pomodoros" you take a longer break.
    • PomodoroDoneApp: This app is great for people who already use a variety of useful apps to organize their personal and professional lives. The app integrates seamlessly with numerous time management tools such as Trello, Wunderlist and many more. The app is also highly customizable.

      Smartphone apps: you usually do have your smartphone with you at all times. From your pocket, these apps measure your activity (or lack thereof) and notify you when it's time to get off your chair to move! For example, for Android there is the SittingTimer and for iOS you can count on the Stand Up! The Work Break Timer

      Or would you rather go old-school?

      Of course, there are also the old-school means of encouraging regular breaks without an app, such as a post-it on your screen with a reminder to yourself to take a moment to move. Your calendar reminding you that you've earned a break. Schedule a recurring meeting with colleagues that reminds you to take a break together. You can also attach a moment of exercise to regular, recurring team meetings by taking the stairs together to the meeting room instead of the elevator, or booking a meeting room a little farther away.

      Or how about a good-old physical timer? Such an alarm clock that you put on your desk and that reminds you in no uncertain terms to take a break. It also helps you to really disconnect from all the digital distractions and so you can focus on the task at hand.

      Important is that you choose a solution that fits within the company culture, can improve the connection between employees and can help your employees stay healthy and productive. So try to choose what works and fits within your company and is adaptable to the situation.

      Enjoy your break!

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